Marking your card, tipping you the wink and flagging a few things up to see who salutes them…
Here’s some things coming out soon from MANSUN, THE ANCHORESS, GAZPACHO, JON GOMM and OZRIC TENATACLES and some explanatory speech from GAZPACHO’s Thomas Anderson, MANSUN’s Paul Draper and JON GOMM’s Jon Gomm…
Mansun – ‘Grey Lantern’ (from Closed For Business deluxe boxset)
Gazpacho– ‘Fireworker’ (from Fireworker)
Jon Gomm – ‘Dead Fishes’ (from The Faintest Idea)
The Anchoress – ‘Martha’s Harbour’ (All About Eve cover)
Ozric Tentacles– ‘Humboldt Currant’ (from Space For The Earth)