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The Kscope Podcast Presented by Billy Reeves
Kscope Podcast Ninety Seven – TesseracT Sonder Interview
In this episode Billy Reeves talks to TesseracT guitarist James Monteith and singer Daniel Tomkins at the final rehearsal for the Sonder tour about the gigs, the essentials, and their self-contained set-up. You’ll hear three tracks from the new LP (which is out now).
PLUS pre-release listens of tracks from Lunatic Soul (Maruisz Duda from Riverside’s solo project) and Gazpacho.
AND in support of Paul Draper’s tour of the USA with Steven Wilson – we have an exclusive play of the re-mastered version of the Mansun classic Taxlo$$ from the new deluxe Kscope edition of their number one LP Attack of the Grey Lantern.
ALSO – listen out for the unveiling of the title of the new album by The Pineapple Thief and details of their biggest show to date.
On this podcast:
Gazpacho “Exit Suite” (from Soyuz)
Artist Page
TesseracT (from Sonder)
“Beneath My Skin”
“The Arrow”
Artist Page
Lunatic Soul “Untamed” (from Under the Fragmented Sky)
Artist Page
Mansun “Taxlo$$” (from Attack of the Grey Lantern)
Artist Page