Jon Gomm releases video for ‘Deep Sea Fishes’

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The 2nd single taken from his new album ‘The Faintest Idea’

Jon Gomm has released the video for 2nd single ‘Deep Sea Fishes’ taken from his forthcoming Kscope album The Faintest Idea.

Once again teaming up with The Samsara Collective, the video was filmed in the stunning setting of Niamos Radical Arts Theatre, Manchester, to showcase the immersive and expressive emotional quality of Jon’s music.

Jon discusses the meaning behind the track, which may resonate with many people ‘I have many mental health diagnoses, worn like medals earned in a war against myself.

One is rapid cycling bipolar, which leaves me with frequent bouts of depression. When I’m depressed, I hide in worlds sheltered from human emotion. Like science, nature. And one time I was hunkered down watching a documentary about fish. This was new footage, of undiscovered creatures who live in the very deepest parts of the very deepest oceans. Down there it’s cold, bleak, and there’s almost no light, and almost no life. And these fish were hideous. Deformed beasts with terrifying fangs and luminescent lures. 

And I thought about these tragic monsters living alone in this wasteland, and it left me pretty upset. For days.  Until eventually I realised, they must come from somewhere. There must be a daddy hideous sea monster, and a mummy hideous sea monster, and despite the odds they must meet, and fall in love, and make little baby hideous sea monsters.  And is that so very different from us? So I wrote this love song.’

The Faintest Idea will be released on 16th October

More on Jon Gomm